Showing posts with label Power Supply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Supply. Show all posts

Medela Freestyle with Medela Handsfree Bustier **FREE for limited time ONLY**. And Selling Freemie collection cups.

-LATEST UPDATE 2nd APRIL 2018. Thanks for looking ^_^


Salam All and Salam Sejahtera,

It's 2016! and Medela came-up with more than a few changes ever for Medela Freestyle double breastpump.

Some are the changes are great, some leave me wondering. Check-this-out.....

"What say you?"

The biggest changes are. Medela no longer provided Handsfree kits in the set, instead they give FREE (**for limited time) the Medela 'Easy Expression Bustier' which serves same the function as handsfree kits.

The brighter side? ~~having the hands free bustier/bra works for MOST mother, as its easy to put on your body, and there's holes to attach the flanges/breastshield. The plus point is that it can be used with ANY type of breast pumps, single or double, EVEN if its not Medela pumps.

The Handsfree kits straps are attached to the Nursing bra.

The minus side? ~~well, I am handsfree kit's lover. I'm so used to it. ^_^ and I am able to use it with any of nursing bra I have. And I can do single or double using this. Okay, lets just remember the good side of it ya?!

Unlike, handsfree kits that only able to hold 'Medela Sparepart kits for Freestyle and Swing-Maxi', the bustier holds most breastpump easily.

Medela Easy Expression Bustier/Bra

The convinient of use.

Another big changes is the outer casing of the motor unit.

The new motor has a ' back cover's lock'. See where my thumb? By pushing the rubber only you will be ableto open the cover.
Remember those day when your back cover was opened unexpectedly? Even while not in use, and your battery dislocated, causing you panic attack of why the battery keep blinking? Yeah.... this has reduced that 'panic moment'

There's ruuber closure on the power port.

The back-cover are tighter, and the power port are closed, which we see as a way to reduce the possibilities of your pump being ruined if you accidently knocked/spill milk or water on your pump.

And also, the 'power adaptor' a.k.a the charger, also has new type of wire/cord. This one did look stronger and thicker than the old version. Sure we hope this will last longer than ever. Wallahuaklam..

The cord/wire on Medela 12V power adaptor/charger. This are also sold separately for RM199/each.

Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items listed below. The free item is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it does not reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;) --- for other Medela Breastpumps, see previous post.

Buy Medela Freestyle Double Breast pump, and get one Medela Handsfree Bra - 'Medela Easy Expression Bustier'

Price : RM 1899 (Item In Stok)
Poslaju : RM36
[*****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM15 for Sabah and Sarawak]

;-) Save you more than RM 219 ++ on this deals 
** Retails price for Medela Easy Expression Bra is worth RM219.

What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

  • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
  • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
  • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
  • **LIMITED offer** Medela Easy Expression Bustier
    • Power supply (Charger)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
    • Icebrick (cooling elements)
    • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
    • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
    • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

    For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

    We also sell 'FREEMIE Collection Cups' that can be use with any Medela Breast pumps.

    FREEMIE collection cups - this item comes separately and do not have breastpump. Can be use ## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]

    Freemie set with anti-backflow is RM379** lepas tolak diskaun (DAN TERMASUK FREE MEDELA VALVE& membranes). Details below ya. Offer ni hingga 30th May, lepas ni harga RM389 (with Free postage)

    Ni harga asal FREEMIE COLLECTION CUP DELUXE RM 432.10 dgn anti backflow preventor INCLUDED.

    Contents setiap set as listed ya... Actually harga ni --RM379 lg murah sbb harga lama dia jual separately anti-backflow ((RM369 + anti-backflow RM79+ FREE item worth RM58 )) dan harga lama tiada freegift/free items.

    Freemie set deluxe collection cup ( new set).
    - 2 funnel 25mm & 28mm
    - 2 ANTI-backflow kits
    - 3 valve
    - 2 valve base
    - 2 Natural shape cup (8oz each volume)
    - 4 freemie tubing
    - 2 short tube
    - 2 fast connector
    - 1 (T)-connector ( single pump can be converted to double)

    Total RM379+poslaju FREE = RM379

    Tentang FREEGIFT: Harga pasaran medela yellow valve (RM20 each) n white membrane (RM9 each), harga tu jadi RM 58 sepasang. Jadi dah jimat bila beli dgn Freemie,dan membantu enhance suction Freemie cups.

    Jika beli berasingan. Harga kami RM44 sepasang (Yellow valve RM15 satu n White membranes RM7 satu). Utk yg beli freemie, yg ni free ya ^_^

    (We apologise for the inconvinience caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop')

    Thanks everyone for looking !!!!!!!! 

    Love Always,
    Aja and  MyBreastpumpShop Team


    Medela Breastpump Packages : Swing, PISA and Freestyle adapter/power supply - Anniversary Deals ;)


    Salam Ramadhan Semua, Aja menaip dgn kadar sgt perlahan..I can almost hear my tapping on keyboard one-by-one. I am too slow I guess lately, probably the hormones.

    Sudah 10 hari Ramadahan Al-Mubarak menjengah tapi Aja rasa tak terlambatkan nk wish 'Selamat menyambut Ramadhan' ...Moga kita semua sentiasa dlm rahmatNya.

    Minggu lepas, Puan Nadiah Misman datang, one of our Freestyle's user who becomes friends. She come to buy new Medela Freestyle for her sister (we got new offers below). Kata Nadiah,  "Aja update la blog".. "Aaa..mmg nk update, banyak benda nak umumkan sebenarnyer, byk offers nak buat, tapi tak terbuat".. Jadi ni la baru nk update ;P

    Berkenaan puasa di bulan Ramadhan dan Penyusuan, Aja pernah summarize kan back in 2010, while breastfeeding Nur. Boleh click LINK ni atau clik 'PUASA' on the sidebar. At this moment, I am going through puasa while pregnant again (^.^) and partially breastfeeding little Nur. As this is 5th time pregnancy during Ramadan and I really hope I'll make it to day 30. Aminn..  Nur hated the taste of my breastmilk during my 1st trimester, but continue to breastfeed at night nowadays-- for comfort I guess.

    As for the product, we have a product custom-made power supply/adapter to cater the need of our breastpump's buyer. Its our 'baby' we've been working on for nearly 11 months. I am hoping this one will help mommies out there when you have a problem with your breastpump's power supply ;)

    Introducing :

    >>> 12V custom-made power supply/adapter ;) <<< No longer available **will restock in 2015**

    - suitable for use with Medela Freestyle and Medela PISA (12V), Ameda 

    - Please be informed, our custom-made means WE manufactured this. this product passed safety test and also, has certifications and 
    approvals - TUV, CE, UL and PSE. (see labels) And PASSED ROHS
    - Specifications

    • Pin Style:  Flat/Three Pins (UK/Malaysia)
    • Input: 110~240 VAC 50/60 Hz 450 mA
    • Output: 12 VDC 1250 mA
    • (**Aja baru tahu lg tinggi nilai mA lagi bagus :P.. Aja x pandai sgt explain, tapi kata mat despatch Aja yg mendengar penjelasan manufacturer *err gaya nyer mcm.. dia lebih paham*. Bila jumlah arus tinggi, maka adapter ni mampu tahan beban arus letrik yang lebih besar )
    - Comes with ONE month warranty, but get THREE (3) months warranty if you get this with our range of breastpump. Hoyehhhh...

    - Output voltage similar to power adapter #9207043 for 12V, Pump In Style Advanced (PISA) breast pumps. See below for pump models.

    Year of Manufacture Pump Model
    All Model Years
    • #57026 (shoulder bag)
    • #57060 (backpack)
    • #57029 (Limited)
    • #57030 (Metro)
    • #57033 (Limited Edition)

    Custom -made 12V Adapter/Power Supply (For Medela FS, PISA, Ameda)

    (PRICE : RM60)
    POSLAJU : RM 6

    - If you prefer 'Medela Adapter' (which has medela label) for FREESTYLE Breastpump, we have them in stock. Price is RM195.


    >>> 5V custom-made power supply/adapter for Medela Swing ;) <<< (***White color) ~AVAILABLE~

    - suitable for use with Medela Swing

    - Please be informed, our custom-made means WE manufactured this. this product passed safety test and has certifications and 
    approvals - TUV, CE, UL and PSE.(see labels) And PASSED ROHS
    - Specifications

    • Pin Style: Flat/Three Pins (UK/Malaysia)
    • Input: 110~240 VAC 50/60Hz 450mA
    • Output:  5 VDC 2000 mA (**Aja baru tahu lg tinggi nilai mA lagi bagus :P... the higher the current, mA. The better the adapter to sustained electrical current.)
    - Comes with ONE month warranty, but get THREE (3) months warranty if you get this with our Medela Swing Breastpump :D

    Custom Made 5V Adapter/Power Supply - For Medela Swing

    (PRICE : RM60)

    **NO BULK-ORDER will be entertain due to warranty purpose.

    - If you prefer 'Medela Adapter' (which has medela label) for Swing Breastpump, we have them in stock. Price is RM195.

    Starting 1st JULY 2011, all our medela Swing breastpump has 1 year warranty for pump motor and comes with this adapter included in breastpump set (3 months warranty for adapter)

    Thanks everyone ;),
