Showing posts with label Nipple Cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nipple Cream. Show all posts

Our Store : MyBreastpumpShop In Bandar Puncak Alam, Kuala Selangor

Hi All,

2016 is just around the corner. Meaning that when we reaches 2016, we have served our breastfeeding community in general, and our Medela user in particular, for 8 wonderful years. We really appreciate the trust given in our after sales services. We love you so much **LOVE**

When you came-back and asked us to serve and consult you after 4,5,6, even 7 years. We were flattered. Thank you for making us part of your newborn baby's breastfeeding journey, everytime.

Some of you come back from 2009 even, and 2008 also... We can never hide the fact that, it did feel sooooo good to hear from all of you again. That good news, that joy of knowing you enjoyed your journey with us around is what keep us going... Thank you ^_^. And ahhhh.... not to forgot the little sisters you introduced to us, you officemates and collegue. We owe everyone!

Dear Friends and Family, as many other wonderful things that has happened, a beautiful thing shared, a sweet joy created... this may be one of the nicest thing to share too..

Many of you may have noticed that we, maybe a little bit slow in answering you for the past few months. We are really sorry, but we are working on our little SHOP!!!... yay!

And we hope to served you better.. InshaaAllah. Do pray for us ya... Ameen

We started the renovations process in August when we decided to shift our Alam-Jaya Shop (where we kept stocks only) to Dataran Suria Shop.

The feeling? Overwhelming.

Starting from the floor-plan....

The floor-plan (if you can call it floor-plan) hahahha.... and choosing the tiles..
. the minor break-works..... and an additional storage room...

....and choosing the paint...

Even the kids are helping to set-up the play area..... ***muchas gracias kiddos**

Please do bring your kids along when you come for explaination on choosing breast pump or trying on one, or even buying one. We love kids!! ...and of-course babies too... ^_^

My kids - assembling the toy storage for the kid's play area. Thank you childrens!.
And... voila!!

Though still 40% to go on completing this little shop, we are ready for you ^^
Still.... a lots of thing to do. Another 40 %, I must say. We'll start moving the items in tomorrow ... InshaaAllah..

Do pray for us and our little shop, and we'll try our best to continue serving you...better!

AS for the Medela breast pump's NEWS, the current models for Medela breast pumps that we carry is available in stock.

Whichever is not here (in this website) you may asked me directly via emails at email addresses below. I will try my best to help you in choosing one ;)

Email me at ^_^

The Medela Freestyle/Medela Swing-Maxi/Medela Swing all comes with 2-phase  :). Which means they all have the stimulation and expressions phase.

And we still selling Medela Freestyles in packages with freegift options ^_^. However for 2016 models, Medela will NO LONGER includes the 'handsfree kits' in the 'Medela Freestyle set'.

Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items listed below. The freegifts is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it does not reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;)

**ALERT** Please be informed that we now supplies the set Medela Freestyle that has the 'HANDSFREE Bra' included.

What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

  • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
  • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
  • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
  • **LIMITED** Handsfree KITS (2 adapters, 2 Large adjustable (yellow) straps
    • with 2 bra adapters (universal)
    • with 2 bra adapters (hook&eye)
  • Power supply (Charger)
  • Breastfeeding Information Guide
  • Instruction Manual
  • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
  • Icebrick (cooling elements)
  • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
  • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
  • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]
(We apologised for the inconviniences caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop)

Thanks everyones for looking !!!!!!!! 

Love Always,
Aja and  MyBreastpumpShop Team

Medela Tendercare Lanolin : A nipple cream that works...wonders :D


I remembered a year ago at this day.. I was sitting in a clinic and practically begging for antibiotics from the doctor. My little angel baby Nur had thrush (see link) and its affected me badly. My nipple was practically slitted open at the bottom of nipple. Unlike cracked nipple which cracked on tip of nipple, this one almost slit open my nipple and sooo painful like someone slit you nipple with knife. (Okay, i might sound bragging but its really painfully..huwaaa)..

The moment the doctor said he cant give us antibiotics coz Nur is barely 10 days, I am crying inside. I'm bumped.

How do I know baby Nur had thrush back then?
How will I know if my baby has thrush?

If your baby has thrush, white patches that look like milk curds will appear in his mouth. If you rub these gently with a clean finger, you'll find the base is raw and may bleed. You may find that your baby is unsettled, or pulls away from your breast while feeding, because his mouth is sore.

Thrush can pass through your baby's digestive system to his bottom and cause nappy rash. The rash is often sore with red spots, and may take a while to heal. Our article on thrush in babies has more information. HERE

How is thrush treated?

Thrush is one condition that you are better off not treating on your own. If you suspect you and your baby have it, see your doctor. You and your baby will both need to be treated at the same time, even if only one of you is showing symptoms.

Your doctor will probably prescribe an antifungal medication, usually micozanole or nystatin, to put on the infection. Micozanole is thought to be more effective than nystatin (Jones and Sachs 2009).

Your nipples and your baby's mouth, and possibly bottom, will need to be treated at the same time. Thrush can take up to a few weeks to cure completely, although the pain should ease after a few days. If it does not, go back to your doctor for more help.
What? weeks?

Aja called Hazarina , "Laling, did I missed this thrush thingy in Lactational course? I dun recalled going to toilet during the lecture", "hmm..nope, it was just mentioned but wasnt elaborated"..Hazarina was also clueless. I didnt have this problem while breastfeeding my 1st doter, Dina. Even during Azalea and Rayyan. And this is the time when history become a stressful rememberance.

"Call Sue la Aja..", "Segan la Haza..".. Haha..segan nyer pasal, kena google, and that's when I found a lot of thing about thrush. And the utmost important part is if you feel the pain, then your baby feels the same. And at least you can speak it out, but what will your baby do..? cry, pull out from latching, unsettled, some might started to develope fever. (read the symptom above) *nangis okeh dlm ati*

The doctor didnt provide me with any cream as cream might choked my baby if she still didnt master the swallowing. He just advice me to wash my nips after breastfeeding and before I breastfeed again. And come back in 3-5 days. It was like someone telling you "GO HOME, BE A SURVIVOR, YOU ARE SUPERWOMAN.. YOU CAN SURVIVE"...yeah right :P

I went home, staring at the silings...wishing magic will happen. Of course la, it didnt happen..haha.. dang! Now a mother of 4, and stupid even..

I did as the doctor advice, wash my nipple. I applied nipple cream, that time I just have Medela PureLan (a very ancient cream Medela produce). It wasnt a few days after that Medela Tendercare Lanolin and Medela Therashell arrived....fashionably to this stressful mother --me-- hehehe....

0.3 oz, who need so much? this 0.3 oz (more or less 6 g) is more than enough...

Price for this Tendercare lanolin is RM35 (small size - 6g), poslaju RM6

 What I did was :

1) I washed my nipple before and after breastfeeding.
2) expressed a tiny drop of breastmilk, apply on nipple and then apply this cream..

and thirdly, 3) what makes the healing process faster is by placing this small shell on the affected nipple.

Medela Therashells for inverted nipple and sore nipple. (2 in 1)


~VOILA! ~ My pain reduced in 24 hours, Alhamdulillah. Syukur... the slit part was no longer visible though the pain still there..but so much lesser.

Aja pun mcm mommies lain, sgt skeptikal whether 'a shell' will work. Will it show off when wearing it?

And so,to make good comparison I put them on my award winning fake b.r.e.a.s.t. (that b.r.e.a.s.t got 3rd prize in lactational course tau *blush*) ...hahah... on the right is milk collection shell. On the left is the therashells.
(*p/s: I got a mommy asking me how to wear the shell, okay..see the 'ring'? Place them around the nipple area/areola -small hole for inverted nipple, large hole for sore nipple (so it didnt touch the painful nip)-- and put the cover on it, then wear your bra as usual ;))

And if it wasnt good enough for me, I wouldnt have recommended it to others. But it works! Still I was scared to propose this when a friend of mine, Nina, complaint about her sore nipple due to EPing. Until she asked, "Aja, sample nipple cream Aja bg hari tuh, Nina jimat2..boleh order ke Aja?" . Alahai Nina, awat la x tanyer.. And a week after she got herself a tube..
Nina Masliha
SMS 20 June 2010
"Aja,sore nipple yang maha dasyat yg dh mcm blister tu arini dh OK :D. MMG MCM MAGIC. Nina start guna Jumaat mlm. Krim dgn shell. Hr sabtu (yesterday) kuar jalan2 pakai jugak. Mmg invisible. Xde sape perasan. Selesa sgt2. Mlm semlm x pakai dah. Sbb sentuh/mandi pun x rasa pedih. Arini dpt pakai bra like nothing happen!! Padahal dh 2 minggu tau. Nina dok letak jugak Lanolin sample tu, tp selang2 hr takut abih. Huhu. This time pakai after each pump,mmg sapu je. [^_^] a must buy product.U hv to blog this product. Seriously"

Hehe..sorry Nina, I only managed to pull out all the good words after 8 months you testify... *ape lah..Aja*..huhuu

And getting the good vibes from Nina, there's testimony from kak Aishah_din73..a mother of twins.

SMS 29 June 2010
"Salam. Aja, dh dpt sabtu lps then terus sapu kat dua2 nips tu. Gilir2 pakai satu shell tu.
Alhamdulillah sume cracked tu bertaut balik, dan x sakit dah bila bf. Skrg dry skin kt nip mcm dh moist balik. Still continue using it sbb nk try pump blk. Product ni better than cocoa butter"

Alhamdulillah... well, a cream that works for us wasnt totally will work for others.. but other than living in pain, and after trying other that didnt works, this might be helpful. Who knows.. kan ;). Yang penting kita ikhtiar..

And look what I found out, here a journal of 'Skin pharmacology and physiology'. wonder...

And as today, 16th February is my birthday, I wanted to offer this cream of 6 g (worth RM35), you'll find in normal store the "medela Purelan" with same price, but that is different than this "medela tendercare lanolin", different formulation I must say.

Oh case anyone wondering how big is 6 g tube, its the size of our lipstick case.

OR, if you need bigger tubes, this one is 60 g = 2 oz tube.. (RM79.00), retail price : RM89.00

*compare medium sized colgate... (^.^;), I just noticed I compare it with toothpaste for 'sensitive' teeth and the cream is for 'sensitive' nipple ..what a coincidence..LOL  ..haha.. the picture above is originally for Nina as she wonder how big the tube for 60 g. And yes, its big..haha

And Aja harap this will help you mommies out there, OR to at least give you the idea when your nipple is too painful and its so unspokenly difficult for you and your baby. Well at least this work for us here ;)

**edited 20th February 2011 - I found another testimonials in my emails..yay!

Love Always,
Email me : ajasuakeem [at] yahoo [dot] com
---more on Medela Tendercare Lanolin :D -------

At first she asked,and I explained to her :

"Tendercare is for Sensitive Nipple. So its good even for normal nipple sbb dia effective. And berbanding purelan, Tendercare Lanolin got beta-glucan so that any cracked will heal fast,mcm 'glue', InsyaAllah. And I've tried Purelan 100 before, memang x menjadi, so Aja tried Tendercare Lanolin and works much better and faster. though its depends on people jugak la. Mcm ubat juga..
Hope that's help ;)"

Alhamdulillah it works ;) yay!!! And her testimonials. Thanks Diana!

Salam Everyone, please email Aja (owner Mybreastpumpshop) at atau ya jika nak order atau ada soalan lain. Thanks ^_^