Showing posts with label Medela Swing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medela Swing. Show all posts

Medela Freestyle with Medela Handsfree Bustier **FREE for limited time ONLY**. And Selling Freemie collection cups.

-LATEST UPDATE 2nd APRIL 2018. Thanks for looking ^_^


Salam All and Salam Sejahtera,

It's 2016! and Medela came-up with more than a few changes ever for Medela Freestyle double breastpump.

Some are the changes are great, some leave me wondering. Check-this-out.....

"What say you?"

The biggest changes are. Medela no longer provided Handsfree kits in the set, instead they give FREE (**for limited time) the Medela 'Easy Expression Bustier' which serves same the function as handsfree kits.

The brighter side? ~~having the hands free bustier/bra works for MOST mother, as its easy to put on your body, and there's holes to attach the flanges/breastshield. The plus point is that it can be used with ANY type of breast pumps, single or double, EVEN if its not Medela pumps.

The Handsfree kits straps are attached to the Nursing bra.

The minus side? ~~well, I am handsfree kit's lover. I'm so used to it. ^_^ and I am able to use it with any of nursing bra I have. And I can do single or double using this. Okay, lets just remember the good side of it ya?!

Unlike, handsfree kits that only able to hold 'Medela Sparepart kits for Freestyle and Swing-Maxi', the bustier holds most breastpump easily.

Medela Easy Expression Bustier/Bra

The convinient of use.

Another big changes is the outer casing of the motor unit.

The new motor has a ' back cover's lock'. See where my thumb? By pushing the rubber only you will be ableto open the cover.
Remember those day when your back cover was opened unexpectedly? Even while not in use, and your battery dislocated, causing you panic attack of why the battery keep blinking? Yeah.... this has reduced that 'panic moment'

There's ruuber closure on the power port.

The back-cover are tighter, and the power port are closed, which we see as a way to reduce the possibilities of your pump being ruined if you accidently knocked/spill milk or water on your pump.

And also, the 'power adaptor' a.k.a the charger, also has new type of wire/cord. This one did look stronger and thicker than the old version. Sure we hope this will last longer than ever. Wallahuaklam..

The cord/wire on Medela 12V power adaptor/charger. This are also sold separately for RM199/each.

Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items listed below. The free item is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it does not reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;) --- for other Medela Breastpumps, see previous post.

Buy Medela Freestyle Double Breast pump, and get one Medela Handsfree Bra - 'Medela Easy Expression Bustier'

Price : RM 1899 (Item In Stok)
Poslaju : RM36
[*****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM15 for Sabah and Sarawak]

;-) Save you more than RM 219 ++ on this deals 
** Retails price for Medela Easy Expression Bra is worth RM219.

What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

  • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
  • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
  • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
  • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
  • **LIMITED offer** Medela Easy Expression Bustier
    • Power supply (Charger)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
    • Icebrick (cooling elements)
    • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
    • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
    • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

    For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

    We also sell 'FREEMIE Collection Cups' that can be use with any Medela Breast pumps.

    FREEMIE collection cups - this item comes separately and do not have breastpump. Can be use ## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]

    Freemie set with anti-backflow is RM379** lepas tolak diskaun (DAN TERMASUK FREE MEDELA VALVE& membranes). Details below ya. Offer ni hingga 30th May, lepas ni harga RM389 (with Free postage)

    Ni harga asal FREEMIE COLLECTION CUP DELUXE RM 432.10 dgn anti backflow preventor INCLUDED.

    Contents setiap set as listed ya... Actually harga ni --RM379 lg murah sbb harga lama dia jual separately anti-backflow ((RM369 + anti-backflow RM79+ FREE item worth RM58 )) dan harga lama tiada freegift/free items.

    Freemie set deluxe collection cup ( new set).
    - 2 funnel 25mm & 28mm
    - 2 ANTI-backflow kits
    - 3 valve
    - 2 valve base
    - 2 Natural shape cup (8oz each volume)
    - 4 freemie tubing
    - 2 short tube
    - 2 fast connector
    - 1 (T)-connector ( single pump can be converted to double)

    Total RM379+poslaju FREE = RM379

    Tentang FREEGIFT: Harga pasaran medela yellow valve (RM20 each) n white membrane (RM9 each), harga tu jadi RM 58 sepasang. Jadi dah jimat bila beli dgn Freemie,dan membantu enhance suction Freemie cups.

    Jika beli berasingan. Harga kami RM44 sepasang (Yellow valve RM15 satu n White membranes RM7 satu). Utk yg beli freemie, yg ni free ya ^_^

    (We apologise for the inconvinience caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop')

    Thanks everyone for looking !!!!!!!! 

    Love Always,
    Aja and  MyBreastpumpShop Team


    Our Store : MyBreastpumpShop In Bandar Puncak Alam, Kuala Selangor

    Hi All,

    2016 is just around the corner. Meaning that when we reaches 2016, we have served our breastfeeding community in general, and our Medela user in particular, for 8 wonderful years. We really appreciate the trust given in our after sales services. We love you so much **LOVE**

    When you came-back and asked us to serve and consult you after 4,5,6, even 7 years. We were flattered. Thank you for making us part of your newborn baby's breastfeeding journey, everytime.

    Some of you come back from 2009 even, and 2008 also... We can never hide the fact that, it did feel sooooo good to hear from all of you again. That good news, that joy of knowing you enjoyed your journey with us around is what keep us going... Thank you ^_^. And ahhhh.... not to forgot the little sisters you introduced to us, you officemates and collegue. We owe everyone!

    Dear Friends and Family, as many other wonderful things that has happened, a beautiful thing shared, a sweet joy created... this may be one of the nicest thing to share too..

    Many of you may have noticed that we, maybe a little bit slow in answering you for the past few months. We are really sorry, but we are working on our little SHOP!!!... yay!

    And we hope to served you better.. InshaaAllah. Do pray for us ya... Ameen

    We started the renovations process in August when we decided to shift our Alam-Jaya Shop (where we kept stocks only) to Dataran Suria Shop.

    The feeling? Overwhelming.

    Starting from the floor-plan....

    The floor-plan (if you can call it floor-plan) hahahha.... and choosing the tiles..
    . the minor break-works..... and an additional storage room...

    ....and choosing the paint...

    Even the kids are helping to set-up the play area..... ***muchas gracias kiddos**

    Please do bring your kids along when you come for explaination on choosing breast pump or trying on one, or even buying one. We love kids!! ...and of-course babies too... ^_^

    My kids - assembling the toy storage for the kid's play area. Thank you childrens!.
    And... voila!!

    Though still 40% to go on completing this little shop, we are ready for you ^^
    Still.... a lots of thing to do. Another 40 %, I must say. We'll start moving the items in tomorrow ... InshaaAllah..

    Do pray for us and our little shop, and we'll try our best to continue serving you...better!

    AS for the Medela breast pump's NEWS, the current models for Medela breast pumps that we carry is available in stock.

    Whichever is not here (in this website) you may asked me directly via emails at email addresses below. I will try my best to help you in choosing one ;)

    Email me at ^_^

    The Medela Freestyle/Medela Swing-Maxi/Medela Swing all comes with 2-phase  :). Which means they all have the stimulation and expressions phase.

    And we still selling Medela Freestyles in packages with freegift options ^_^. However for 2016 models, Medela will NO LONGER includes the 'handsfree kits' in the 'Medela Freestyle set'.

    Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items listed below. The freegifts is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it does not reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;)

    **ALERT** Please be informed that we now supplies the set Medela Freestyle that has the 'HANDSFREE Bra' included.

    What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

    • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
    • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
    • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
    • **LIMITED** Handsfree KITS (2 adapters, 2 Large adjustable (yellow) straps
      • with 2 bra adapters (universal)
      • with 2 bra adapters (hook&eye)
    • Power supply (Charger)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
    • Icebrick (cooling elements)
    • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
    • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
    • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

    For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

    ## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]
    (We apologised for the inconviniences caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop)

    Thanks everyones for looking !!!!!!!! 

    Love Always,
    Aja and  MyBreastpumpShop Team

    Medela Freestyle, Medela Swing Maxi, Medela Swing Single Breastpumps -SET LENGKAP BREASTPUMP


    Assalamualaykum, and Hi All ^_^

    I am lining up new and errrr....old offers, because most of the time I will be asked about what do we have,

    Psst....there one new offer's option for Medela Freestyle's Set. The price reflected the services and warranty. Not just the free items ya... ;)

    Our range for MEDELA FREESTYLE comes with handsfree bra, worth RM219.
    {{The previous handsfree kits was retailed at RM388 (no longer available)}} omg.. :o

    Here's it goes, the current models for Medela Breast pumps that we carry. Whichever is not here you may asked me directly via emails at email addresses below. Maybe I can help you a bit in choosing one ;)

    Email me at ^_^


    The Medela Freestyle/Medela Swing-Maxi/Medela Swing all comes with 2-phase  :). Which means they have the stimulations and expressions phase.

    And We still selling Medela Freestyles in packages with freegift options ^_^

    Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items. The freegifts is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it doesnot reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;)

    What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

    • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
    • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
    • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
    • Power supply (Charger)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • FREE Medela Handsfree Bra
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
    • Icebrick (cooling elements)
    • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
    • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
    • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

    Buy Medela Freestyle set, and get 'handsfree bustier/bra)

    Price : RM 1899 (Item In Stok)
    Poslaju : RM36
    [*****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM15 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    ;-) Save you more than RM 219 ++ on this deals 
    ** Retails price for Medela Easy Expression Bra is  RM219.

    MEDELA SWING MAXI set  (double pumping)

    What's Included in MEDELA SWING-MAXI SET below
    [This set comes from Medela WITHOUT bag set/cooler bag]**

    Set includes:
    • Swing-Maxi Breastpump's MOTOR
    • 1 set of Swing-Maxi's tubing
    • 2 pcs Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 1 pair Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 2 pcs Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (6 AAA battery not included)
    • Calma teat 1pc only
    • [BAG SET not included]

    The Swing-Maxi infront of box is for ilustration purpose, you'll get one breastpump with 2 flanges for double pumping in the BOX

    Untuk services and warranty, Aja ada menyediakan sparepump sementara breastpump dibaiki ;) And its an added advantage especially for those who lives within or outside KL/Lembah Klang.


    Our Price : RM1199 [1 YEAR warranty] ^^FREE 4 Bumble bee storage bottles

    Poslaju : RM21  

    [****due to Poslaju rate, please add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    As Medela Swing-Maxi do not come with handsfree Bra, we are offering the 'handsfree bra' at a special price for those who bought this Swing-Maxi breastpump with us. Email us for details ya ;)

    MEDELA SWING SINGLE BREASTPUMP limitedpackage set  (Single pumping)

    What's included in Swing Single Breastpump with Medela Bag Set:

    • Swing Breastpump's MOTOR [the motor is 5V for single pump ONLY]
    • 1 piece of Swing's tubing
    • 1 piece Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 1 yellow valve and 3 pcs white membrane (use one at a time and keep the other 2 pcs secure as a spare...)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 piece Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (4AA battery not included)
    • Drawstring Bag (made of fabrics) - macam kantung shj
    • Neck/shoulder straps
    • [BAG SET included, inclusive of Carrier Bag Medela (tote), Cooler bag, 4 medela bottles >> total will be 6 bottles including above, and icebrick]

    PRICE for Medela Swing Limitedpackage deals RM889 [1 year warranty]

    Poslaju RM20 

    [****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    Gets FREE 4 pcs Bumble Bee bottles with this purchase ^_^

    What's included in Swing Single Breastpump

    • Swing Breastpump's MOTOR [the motor is 5V for single pump ONLY]
    • 1 piece of Swing's tubing
    • 1 piece Personalfit Breastshields (Standard size - 24 mm)
    • 1 yellow valve and 3 pcs white membrane (use one at a time and keep the other 2 pcs secure as a spare...)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 piece Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (4AA battery not included)
    • Drawstring Bag (made of fabrics) - macam kantung shj
    • Neck/shoulder straps

    PRICE for Medela Swing Single Breast pump RM699 [1 year warranty]

    Poslaju RM21 

    [****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    Gets FREE 4 pcs Bumble Bee bottles with this purchase ^_^ {{Worth RM19.90}}

    AND please email me kalau ada enquiries ya [at] ajasuakeem [at] yahoo dot com

    For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

    ## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]
    (We apologised for the inconviniences caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop)

    Thanks evryones for looking !!!!!!!! 

    Love Always,
    Aja <3 comment-3--="">

    Medela Freestyle, Medela Swing Maxi, Medela Swing Single Breastpumps - update & infos

    ---LAST UPDATED 20th AUGUST 2015 - Kindly refer new post in main page

    Assalamualaykum, and Hi there ;)

    Most frequently, I was asked about what do we have.

    So, I am lining up all models for Medela Breast pumps that we carry. Whichever is not here you may asked me directly via emails at email addresses below. Maybe I can help you a bit in choosing one ;)

    Email me at ^_^


    The Medela Freestyle/Medela Swing-Maxi/Medela Swing all comes with 2-phase  :). Which means they have the stimulations and expressions phase.

    And We still selling Medela Freestyles in packages with freegift options ^_^

    Each of the SET OF FREESTYLE BREASTPUMP comes with these items. The freegifts is additional item courtesy of the supplier, it doesnot reflects the price. The price is fixed as warranty 1 year and services included. ;)

    **Please be informed that ALL Medela Freestyle sets we sell has the 'HANDSFREE Kits' included.

    What's Included in MEDELA FREESTYLE SET.

    • Freestyle Breast pump's MOTOR
    • 1 set of Freestyle's tubing
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 2 Personalfit Breastshields (L size - 27 mm)
    • Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
    • Handsfree KITS (2 adapters, 2 Large adjustable (yellow) straps
      • with 2 bra adapters (universal)
      • with 2 bra adapters (hook&eye)
    • Power supply (Charger)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 pc Medela Freestyle's rechargeable battery (included and charged in pump it self)
    • Icebrick (cooling elements)
    • Cooler bag (suitable for 4 pcs storage bottles)
    • 4 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)
    • 1 tote/carrier bag Medela

    OUR Price : RM 1899 (Item In Stok)
    Poslaju : RM36
     [*****due to poslaju rate, pls add additional postage fees RM15 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    * This promotions only valid for online purchase and courier by poslaju Malaysia. (not applicable for KUTU group -- kutu member will have different freegifts ;))

    ;-) Save you RM80++ on this deals {total 20 bottles}

    1) Extra bottles!! 2 sets consist OF 16 Bumble bee bottles (worth RM 82.40) 
    2) 4 MORE bottles Bumble Bee (worth RM19.90)


    * This promotions only valid for online purchase and courier by poslaju Malaysia. (not applicable for KUTU group -- kutu member will have different freegifts ;))

    ;-) Save you more than RM 90++ on this deals 
    ** Retails for BB bottles set (4 bottles) - RM19.90
    ** Retails for Medela Icebrick - RM73

    ~~Why is the need of more icepack?~~ *read on**

    **Icebrick or Chiller can stays chill as long as 8-12 hours, as long as it's been freeze long enough. The longer an icebrick/icepack/chiller stays in freezer. The longer they stays solid and cool in cooler bag. And its also depends on your surrounding and temperature in your office. If you can have more than one, it is better because you can freeze them long enough as you are able to rotate the use daily. Get what I mean? ;D

    PACKAGE 3 - MEDELA FREESTYLE (we know new mommies will need this ) SOLD OUT. PLEASE REFER NEWEST OFFER. THANKS!

    Price : RM 1899 (Item In Stok)
    Poslaju : RM36  
    [*****due to poslaju rate, pls add additional postage fees RM15 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    * This promotions only valid for online purchase and courier by poslaju Malaysia. (not applicable for KUTU group -- kutu member will have different freegifts ;))

    ;-) Save you more than RM80++ on this deals
    ** Retails for BB bottles set (8+2 bottles) - (worth RM41.20 + RM9.90)
    ** Retails for Medela Tendercare Lanolin - RM29.90


    MEDELA SWING MAXI set  (double pumping)

    What's Included in MEDELA SWING-MAXI SET.
    [This set comes from Medela WITHOUT bag set/cooler bag]**

    Set includes:
    • Swing-Maxi Breastpump's MOTOR
    • 1 set of Swing-Maxi's tubing
    • 2 pcs Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 1 pair Spareparts Kits ( consist of 2 connectors, 2 membranes, 2 backcaps)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 2 pcs Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (6 AAA battery not included)
    • Calma teat 1pc only
    • [BAG SET not included]

    The Swing-Maxi infront of box is for ilustration purpose, you'll get one breastpump with 2 flanges for double pumping in the BOX

    Untuk services and warranty, Aja ada menyediakan sparepump sementara breastpump dibaiki ;) And its an added advantage especially for those who lives within or outside KL/Lembah Klang.

    Our Price : RM1199 [1 YEAR warranty] ^^FREE 4 Bumble bee storage bottles

    Poslaju : RM21  

    [****due to Poslaju rate, please add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    As Medela Swing-Maxi do not come with handsfree kits, we are offering the 'handsfree kits' at a special price for those who bought this Swing-Maxi breastpump with us. Email us for details ya ;)

    MEDELA SWING SINGLE BREASTPUMP limitedpackage set  (Single pumping)

    What's included in Swing Single Breastpump with Medela Bag Set:

    • Swing Breastpump's MOTOR [the motor is 5V for single pump ONLY]
    • 1 piece of Swing's tubing
    • 1 piece Personalfit Breastshields (M size - 24 mm)
    • 1 yellow valve and 3 pcs white membrane (use one at a time and keep the other 2 pcs secure as a spare...)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 piece Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (4AA battery not included)
    • Drawstring Bag (made of fabrics) - macam kantung shj
    • Neck/shoulder straps
    • [BAG SET included, inclusive of Carrier Bag Medela (tote), Cooler bag, 4 medela bottles >> total will be 6 bottles including above, and icebrick]

    PRICE for Medela Swing Limitedpackage deals RM889 [1 year warranty]

    Poslaju RM21 

    [****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    Gets FREE 4 pcs Bumble Bee bottles with this purchase ^_^

    What's included in Swing Single Breastpump

    • Swing Breastpump's MOTOR [the motor is 5V for single pump ONLY]
    • 1 piece of Swing's tubing
    • 1 piece Personalfit Breastshields (Standard size - 24 mm)
    • 1 yellow valve and 3 pcs white membrane (use one at a time and keep the other 2 pcs secure as a spare...)
    • Power supply (AC adapter)
    • Breastfeeding Information Guide
    • Instruction Manual
    • 1 piece Bottle's stand.
    • 2 pcs Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz each)
    • Battery power option (4AA battery not included)
    • Drawstring Bag (made of fabrics) - macam kantung shj
    • Neck/shoulder straps

    PRICE for Medela Swing Single Breast pump RM699 [1 year warranty]

    Poslaju RM21

    [****due to poslaju new rate, pls add additional postage fees RM6 for Sabah and Sarawak]

    Gets FREE 4 pcs Bumble Bee bottles with this purchase ^_^ {{Worth RM19.90}}

    AND please email me kalau ada enquiries ya [at] ajasuakeem [at] yahoo dot com

    For medela accesories or spareparts, mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)...atau scroll down the side-bar sebelah kiri, kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... 

    ## CALL lines 03-33932857 [from 7.30pm-11pm]
    (We apologised for the inconviniences caused, get us faster thru email and facebook page 'MyBreastpumpShop)

    Thanks evryones for looking !!!!!!!! 

    Love Always,
    Aja <3 comment-3--="">

    Medela Breastpumps & Accesories : How To Order ;)


    Assalamualaykum... and Hi all :D


    Ello... ;D yes I know... Lama nya Aja tak update apa-apa kan.. Being a young *still perasan young** mother of 5, is a heavenly bliss experience when my husband is there to help me. Alhamdulillah...

    My Raha was borne on 2nd Dec 2011. Now 5 months ;).. and enjoying mother's milk with her sister, my little Nur.

    It's just that once I am back from maternity leave, I was presented with tonnes of workloads at the office. It is funny how some staff at your workplace think that you already are gifted and should be thankful with enough 'rest' for 2 months maternity leave with another 4 kids on tow..LOL. :P

    And, I decided that will be 'Aja's first priority' and second is this---the services and warranty claims : (and of course to those continues ordering eventhough the weblog is not updated! Thanks so much <3)

    Pump yang dihantar utk services and repair. Some after years of using. This is the importance to have an easy access to services and consultation EVEN after the warranty period is already over. **HINT: See the name and year they bought the pump ... 

    All working fine, finally.. ;)
    I've been getting a lot of 'notice' from our --2008, 2009, 2010--- user to service their breastpump. Even from 2011. Alhamdulillah, manage to send theirs for services. And all worked fine after repair and service. Thank god, so one need to buy new breastpump even some after using for 2 kids. Some need spareparts change and some need accesories (breastshields, sparekits, tubings etc), and some comes back just for services before waiting for new bundle of joy. Even after years of using, you can always comeback to us for services as long as the breastpumps are purchased FROM our

    (HINT: See names on first picture.. and year they bought their breastpumps :D OR you can see the 'Freestyle' word on each pump. The BLUE words is for medela Freestyle breastpumps from 2008 and early 2009 as we've been selling since July 2008 ..)

    As there's quite numerous enquiry on HOW TO PLACE AN ORDER. 

    Order can be made VIA E-MAIL TO ajasuakeem [at} yahoo [dot] com, OR mybreastpumpshop [at] yahoo [dot]com

    For the past 4 years, I have been receiving emails with enquiries. I am happy to assist you in a way to actually make mommies understand of what they are ordering when they place an order with us.

     And sometimes I will ask you back what you really need, not just what you really want. Sometimes it will be really helpful if you can email me with these details :

    1) Email me at above email address. You may use facebook also.
    (Usually you will hear from me within few hours, but occasionally it may be later in the day or within 24-36 hours) If you didnt receive any reply after that kindly check your spam or re-email me ya... *Aja biasa reply panjang-panjang so they kick my email into you spam ^_^**

    2) Email with subject is very helpful for example : 'Enquiry on medela personalfit breastshield'.

    3) Item that you want to order. Usually most of the item listed ON LEFT SIDE BAR is in stock. If the Medela item is not listed, kindly list them or ask me. I will help you with it. InsyaAllah

    4) If you send your e-mail late in the day, you will hear from me during the next business day. Or I will try as much to reply as soon as possible. (Again, within 24-36 hours)

    5) Phone calls are welcome in between 7.30 pm - 11 pm. (DARI 7.30 malam - 11 malam during weekdays) but you'll reach me faster by email ;))

    For medela accesories or spareparts, berminat dengan mana2 spareparts atau accesories? email lah ya ;)... kalau tiada dlm stok nanti Aja estimate date of arrival ya... :seesaw:

    ## CALL lines             03-33932857 ONLY available after 31st August 2012 
    (we apologised for the inconviniences...please email me ...)

    Thanks mommies :kiss:and thanks for visiting again and again.... :D

    Love Always,
    Aja ;)


    Promotions ....


    Hye All, Salam... I've been getting questions whether the promotions are still going ON? Yes the promotions is still going. Go on.. email me should you are interested on them ya ;)

    Oh ya... I have a new items to share with you, wasn't so new coz a few mommies has been using it... (and it works...*wink* *wink*).. and I have been using it since January this year, and love it but I got to find time to blog about it. Well I do not know when but I'll try to do it as soon as my 'patience tester' becomes a good baby girl.., and yes...its baby Nur. She's has been fussy ever since she was released from the hospital..and she can only be seated with me sitting. Huhuuu... But I just love it when she now are able to be breastfeed at any place at anytime, rather than lying down only.. this has just happen these few days. Praying hard this will last... Aminn

    AND please email me kalau ada enquiries ya [at] ajasuakeem [at] yahoo dot com

    For medela accesories or spareparts,mana2 spareparts atau accesories yg berminat, email lah ya ;)... kalau x de nanti Aja estimate date of arrival nyer :broccoli:

    CALL lines 03-33932857 ONLY available from 7.30 pm to 11.00 pm (we apologised for the inconviniences...)

    Thanks mommies :kiss:(and daddies toooo... :D ) :slingtwinsdad:

    Aja   :pak:

    Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ramadhan... Puasa while Breastfeeding or Pregnant

    ---PUASA while breastfeeding in 2010---

    Salam Ramadhan to all mommies out there. Alhamdulillah been through 10 days Ramadhan with baby Nur.. plus demam and batuk2 yang masih non-stop at the moment tapi syukur.. made it through so far. I got few questions,plus enquiries, on how do I managed in Ramadhan. Since 2003 been through Ramadhan with 4 pregnancy and 4 breastfeeding moment. Not to say that I made it through without hitch. I've been through flatulence when breastfeeding with pregnancy, vomitting due to pregnancy, there was a moment I cant even drive home... or was too weak to pump on the evening of Ramadhan. All in all it becomes my utmost precious experiences. Alhamdulillah..

    Aja share here my little tips on Ramadhan & breastfeeding. But I bet many has been reading a lots of same kind of tips or other kind of tips that may works for you... Basically sama mcm mommies lain, kurma is a must for me, berbuka puasa and sahur. Before I'm a mommy, Aja pun ingat 1-2 biji dah memadai (plus I'm not very fond of dates), little that I know you actually have to consume at least 5-7 dates, be it berbuka and sahur. And I found through forums, the nicest way to consume them, by blending few dates with fresh milk. But Aja tak sempat nk blend...hehe.. so what I did, with little time esp during sahur (??). I eat kurma and drink milk at the same time. Seriously, its funny feelings but at least it doesnt feel or taste tooo sweeet ;).

    NASI is a must for me during pregnancy and breastfeeding in Ramadhan. Samada during berbuka atau sahur...mesti NASI. And my husband knows this, so he is the one who's going to prepare them before sahur (as I was stuck breastfeeding baby, in bed). This helps a lot. If you are not the type who eats heavily during sahur, pls try little by little.. who know you need to go through Ramadhan & breastfeeding 'again' in the future. And water is a must. Preggie mom especially, if its hard to consume plain water, consume juice or anything tasteful but you must drink...from berbuka up until you meet sahur again. Have a drink by your bedside.. and consume whenever you feels like it.

    Other than that, Aja change Aja nyer pumping schedule. Basically I pump 4 times per day, during Ramadhan it will still be 4 times. If non-Ramadhan months, I will start pumping after subuh, during this month I pump at 5.20 am after sahur so I can pump and drink at the same time. I will finish pumping in 15-20 minutes, and continue to pray and basically went to breastfeed back.. and get a little rest, as I went for work a little late in fasting months. Baby also are less fussy at this moment if they are asleep and usually still sleepy, so somehow its easy. The next pumping session is 10 am, the usual 1.30 pm becomes 2.00pm as I will take a nap in the afternoon after zohor prayer. Ok...sometimes its 2.30pm..hehe.. or I pump as early as 1pm and take a nap after that. Its a must for me to take a nap or at least lie down, first.. I need to get some rest. 2nd, make me less talkative... ;P

    And the last session will be at 5pm, or during driving back home. Or if I feel too thirsty, I will shift the pumping session to after berbuka/iftaar and pump either by tandem nursing or by breastfeeding my baby first then pump a little. No matter how much you get, make sure at least try to pump 4 times per day and not less than non-fasting months. Basically fasting months will not effects your milk production, if the demand is still up. If they are affecting you milk production, especially in early days of the fasting-month, do try to make sure you're not dehydrated.

    Other than that, ibu mengandung dan menyusukan, ada pengecualian tertentu. InsyaAllah.. kita cuba yang terbaik dulu, dan adjust mengikut kemampuan kita ya... ;)

    *I am Wishing Us.. All breastfeeding and pregnant mommies smoothness in our fasting journey in Ramadhan. Also, I wanted to say thank you soooo much for your trust and loyalty to MyBreastpumpShop. I heart each and everyone of you.. *muahhh*

    Love & Regards,
    Aja ;)


    And... I can't help it anymore..but to put it here..

    This morning I got this email, it’s very rare for Medela Harmony user and Medela Swing user to testify again the breastpump. Coz this 2 type of Single breastpump, one electric (swing), and one manual (harmony) is already well-known...even before I started breastfeed Dina (5 YO) and Azalea (3 YO)...(Ala...2 model dlm my fotopages n blogspot..hahah, org dtg sumer kenal si genit 2 org nih) Swing is here in 2007.. but Harmony is here way much longer..

    On Thursday last week she made the payment for Medela Harmony, but she forgot to include her address and hphone number. So as I was about to make quick drop at Poslaju HQ, I was like looking for her by her office number. She laughs her heart out when I said, "Laling, mana mau hantar itu pump? Address talak kasi"... Actually she was nervous coz she's buying the pump without her husband consent (uurrghh...we are in the same boat, but Aja lagi nakal...dulu beli medela FS dendiam..), She already a spectra3 user but its hard for her to bring the pump back home as she commute by commuter everyday. So she bought Medela Harmony for house purpose...

    And her testimony of MEDELA HARMONY,

    From: Syareena
    Subject: RE: Medela Harmony
    To: "Naza Sulaiman"
    Date: Monday, 6 July, 2009, 8:20 PM

    Dear Aja,

    I dah guna the medela harmony few times and I love it. Sangat suke okkaayyy!!! Parts tak banyak, very easy to assemble, softshield (is that what u call it?) is great.

    Hubby pun diam je bila I tunjuk my new gadget hehehehe…. Tak terkata dia . Maybe dia dah tau his wife obsession with breastfeeding + nampak the good result (I tunjuk my production kat dia)

    Now, I can pump anytime, anywhere. Sukanyeeeee……

    Next time, kalau ada orang tanya for manual pump, will recommend this pump and of course, recommend u as the seller (+ poslaju)

    Thank you!


    Thank you Reena for the good tetimonial, Oh ya...she promoted me to use poslaju ALWAYS, even give me person in contact to make my poslaju process smooth. Thanks Reena...

    And To another person who's in LOVE with Medela Swing, And patiently waited for my stock to arrive. Thanks Sue...

    From: SuE BelleDza
    Subject: Re: breastpump medela swing..
    To: "Naza Sulaiman"
    Date: Thursday, 2 July, 2009, 9:41 PM

    salam aja!
    kita nak bagitau berita gembira nie! hehehehe....dah dapat pump tu!!
    ni sambil hantar email ni...sambil mengepam la nieh...hahahah semangat kan!! tengok...sedar tak sedar dah nak masuk 2oz dah! Best la Swing!!

    kita tak tau yg aja tinggal kat puncak alam. dekat je dgn rumah sue...sue tinggal kat sungai buloh tu, heheheh...dah dekat tu, boleh la datang umah singgah, ye tak? :)

    apa pun, terima kasih ya. seronok sgt hari nie!

    Thank you so much... And I dont know how to repay such trust, and all the kind words. Alhamdulillah...

    Oh ya...I have nice offer for someone who need automatic pump and manual at same time, will put up the pic later ya...

    BUMBLE BEE BPA-free bottles 4 oz will be restock on Thursday, Thank you...

    Who's in need of Medela Swing, stok dah ada, kindly buzz me with enquiries and questions thru email at

    owwhhh...and also, there's NEW KUTU group for Medela Swing, Also NEW group for Medela Freestyle. Group started With Rozy and Wawa dh masuk penerima pump kedua. Alhamdulillah..

    THIS IS among what I have to offer, stay tune......

    *update 9th JULY - This set SOLD to FIZA. Thank you.

    Best Regards,
    Aja ;)