Salam & Hi :D
Some of you may have remember previously when I wanted to do some clearance items/spareparts for medela. I also mentioned that I wanted to clear off my EBM stocks also here a.k.a throwing it away (^_^;). Well.. it didnt happen ;D... and I am so glad. I was emailed by this mother of two asking if I would sell the EBM. I was puzzled.
Coz, there's no way I would be selling them! I would definitely give them for FOC, but I didnt directly reply to her. I went home and asked my husband as I need his permission. He said 'yes' without even he had a chance to blink his eyes. Yes, so fast!. And the next week, I already have my milk-daughter, Syaza.
In the process of separating the milk according to the months stored ("-").. hihiii
My EBM for Syaza :D
The original 'owner', my baby Nur ;)
And one day, a few weeks ago... like a month ago, this mommy emailed me this..
And my reply to Ju (she is non-muslim), we met before..when she comes to my house..but I didnt aske her this...
From: ju******[at]hotmail[dot]com
Subject: Donate EBM
To: ajasuakeem[at]yahoo[dot]com
Date: Thursday, 4 November, 2010, 4:48
Hi Aja
Tolong post kat mana2 ibu yang memerlukan "ebm". Disebabkan Medela FS ni, dr supply tak cukup sekarang dah jadi oversupply sampai nak cari tempat utk donate.
Sayang nak buang sebab bersusah payah pump selama ni and simpan elok2 kat deep freezer. Penuh sampai boleh last at least 2-3 months kalau ju tak bagi dudu direct kat baby. Penuh sangat dah.. Ni tengah main2 try buat yoghurt. Weekend ni nak try buat pudding. Banyak sampai ju boleh experimen bodoh2 mcm tu aje..
Baby dah start solid but production for everyday paling malas mesti dapat 30 oz++. Paling rajin pernah pump dapat sampai 43 oz.. Production tak turun2 walaupun weekend /on AL pump 3x saja.. production tetap 30Oz++
kalau boleh.. nak orang yg tak jauh dr Puchong lah sebab takut ebm melting. Bila melt dah tak leh freeze balik.. Nak bagi baby try dulu 2 bag. Kalau baby boleh accept ebm ni, ada dlm 40bag++ nak bagi.. Kira2 boleh last utk 2 weeks mcm tuh.
kalau ada contact hospital yg perlu ebm pun boleh jugak. tapi kena datang ambik sendiri kat rumah (Bukit Puchong 2)
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 19:56:16 -0700
From: ajasuakeem[at]yahoo[dot]com
Subject: Re: Donate EBM
To: ju******[at]hotmail[dot]com
Ju, Aja dh rephrase soalan ni beberapa kali sebelum bertanya. Tapi Aja rasa perlu bertanya as I really wanted to post up the entry for the ebm donation. But I really need to know whether you're muslim or non-muslim. Coz as a muslim, its important to know the 'salasilah' after a mommy decided on breastmilk donation to other baby and for the acceptor that accept the EBM for her baby.Aja pun ada anak susuan before.. so mmg kena ingat dan akad pemberian dan penerimaan ebm tu ya.
Let me know, I'll be more than happy to help.. ;)
AjaAnd, she replied with this. Just so any of us here didnt notice, she use deep freezer. This means her EBM actually can last up to 3-6 months. *I am sorry Ju for the lateness in putting this up* ("_";)
From: Ju******[at]hotmail[dot]comAnd if there's any NON-MUSLIM MOTHER here that is interested to share Ju's breastmilk do email me at ajasuakeem [at] yahoo [dot] com. And I will forward you to this lovely and kind hearted mother.
Subject: RE: Donate EBM
To: ajasuakeem[at]yahoo[dot]com
Date: Wednesday, 10 November, 2010, 3:33
Hi aja
Ju ni non-muslim.. aja kalau nak post tu jgn lupa ye indicate yg ju ni non-muslim. Ju bagi mcm tu aje.. x de charge apa2 pun.. kalau nak tolong2 bayar bil freezer pun cantek jugak.. hehhee.. yang penting.. Ju nak bagi org yg betul2 perlu especially yg nak fully breastfeed tapi supply tak cukup. Ju sekarang pun looking for hospital yg nak EBM nih.. ntah ada ker tak.
Respect betul dgn FS nih. Hari ni total pump 13 + 5 + 8 + 5 . Ni tak kira pump mlm lagi lepas bagi direct kat baby. Sekarang baby pun 7 bulan++ dah.. makan banyak, minum pun banyak.. tapi ebm melebihi keperluan.. Kalau mandi baby dgn EBM boleh mencerahkan kulit baby, bukan setakat baby yg mandi.. mummy dia pun boleh join sekali
And also, I would like to share this facebook page called 'Eats On Feets Malaysia'. Aja akan letak link di sini, any questions please refer to the page in facebook, this fb pages lead by Puan Ayuni.
Just remember, keep the relationship + akad for the breastmilk sharing for 'muslim moms-milk daughter' families ;). InsyaAllah, the good deeds you've done, Allah will repays them.
Love and Regards