Last Order on 20th January & Maternity Leave 20th January - 28th February 2010


Salam to All. Hiii..hiii... Updating my Shop before I take a leave. InsyaAllah my DUE DATE will be on 29th January 2010. So kedai kecil Aja nih Aja akan tutup sementara ya between 20hb January to 28th February. And also I will not accept any COD and Selfpick-up during this period. Aja minta maaf sgt2. Sebab ibu hamba yg tersayang sgt la strict during 'confinement period' anak nyer. Actually for customer who contacted me via email already be informed that I have stopped accepting COD or Selfpick-up.

I will still however entertained order ONLINE bagi those yang order before 20th January, atau yang really urgent between the said date. And for others who has enquiries, I am really sorry kalau Aja tak jwb segera your enquiries between the said date yeh... /please

Oh ya... Ada a few mommies asked me apa beza SET 'Medela CityStyle Bag dengan Medela FS bag'. Bezanya cuma pada size Carrier/Tote bag... see picture below. Belah KIRI - Medela CityStyle 'carrier' Bag, KANAN- Medela FS carrier Bag. Both bags fits -cooler bag, chiller/icebrick biru tu and 4 Medela Storage Bottles (5 oz)...and of course it fits you Medela's pump :) .SO beza pada saiz bags.


And ada juga packagedeals for Medela Swing+ Medela CityStyle Bag set. But limited units ya.. Now pun ada 2 set sahaja up for grabs (ALL set SOLD and no restock)

MEDELA Swing (6 months warranty) - RM649
Poslaju RM20

;-) 4 SET -SOLD

SOLD - Alesya Tan (26th Jan)
SOLD - Saerahany (26th Jan)

**abis ya set ini, will not have more for the moment

Lebih kurang ini lah yang akan dpt dr set diatas. (Swing's pump set and bag set with cooler bag + chiller + 4 medela storage bottles)

And...Thanks for those yang buat order ;D walau dh well-informed stok agak lewat January nih /sweat

*Sorry, this set is for DIS/January promo ONLY and SOLD OUT already, sorry :(
Price RM 1699
Poslaju RM35

* This January promo only valid for online purchase and courier by poslaju Malaysia.

;-) Save you more than RM70++ on this deals
** Retails for BB bottles set (8 bottles) - RM38
** retails for BB disposable Nursingpad - RM32

And my special thanks and deep appreciation to those who has been patiently waiting for their order, sampai ada yang dah bersalin... Sorry Lina :( . Thanks so Much Faezah, Aiza from Sabah, Rin Penang, Najiha from Muar, Tun Teja -- srikandi Melaka..hihii, Mazliyana dr KL, Noridah, and to Syikin Aziz yang juga tunggu hari.. nanti I send your pump ya dear... sowwieee...

Here's your order, enjoy :D

And this Hero of mine yang bakal dapat adik, been helping a lot.. Thank you my dearest son.. (ada org ckp dia jambu...tsskk..tskkk) /blush

Mana dia nk bwk parcel tuuu???... Hihii.. tolong susun before 'mat despatch' bawak gi post..hihii

OH YA...OH YA...before me being forgetful and lupa nak bagitahu semua, please see side-bar on your left utk items yang available atau out of stock ya...

AND please email me kalau ada enquiries ya [at]

CALL lines 03-33932857 ONLY available from 7.30pm to 11.00 pm (we apologised for the inconviniences...)

*And from the bottom of my heart, I wanted to say thank you soooo much for your trust and loyalty to MyBreastpumpShop. And those yang duk doakan Aja selamat bersalin, Terima Kasih sgt2.. still nervous juga sebenarnyer tunggu 29 January nih. And Aja doakan juga utk semua mommies yang menunggu hari, sama2 kita selamat bersalin ya.. And to all, keep on pumpingggggggggggggggggg... /bye