Bye-Bye Bumble Bee....

Entry kali nih mmg khas utk ibu mengandung yang hari tuh tanyer Aja... "dlm gambar yang lepas ada pump dia ke tak?" *grinned*...

InsyaAllah, esok sampai laa... ye ker? hehe...

Oh ya, Bye-Bye Bumble bee! Dlm parcel poslaju warna oren tuh semua Bumble bee bottles. Semua stok yang terhutang sejak 2 minggu lalu, masa kehabisan stok. NOW stok dah ada.. DAN juga ada poslaju 'freegift', pluses 'surprise' gift..(sape la tuan dia yer?) *grinned*

Oh ya.. I got a few enquiries today over my email, sorry ada yang x sempat jawab sebab dlm seminar tadi. Yang kat sini pon curi2 jawab.

Khas utk Ealyie, ...dan juga yang bertanya samada Bottle Bumble Bee muat tak dgn medela pumps. Nih jawapan nyer...

Dari kiri... enCik Swing (muat juga utk Cik Harmony--semanis nama nyer) menggunakan bottle BB, kemudian Puan FS, dan Tuan PISA... Ok kan? *edited* Cuma now bila BB dh ganti to 5 oz bottle, and what happen is utk medela FS and PISA, kalau kita cuba ketatkan sgt, ada tendency utk 'terpulas' balik. So utk pengguna FS, kalau nk jalan-jalan semasa mengepam, better guna bottle medela and transfer to bottle Bumble Bee as storage.

And beside bottles tuh Collar and Sealing Disc. Sealing Disc bottle BB yang baru nih ketat and ada pemegang kecil...mcm sealing disc bottle Spectra.. 'Rujuk sealing disc yang kanan sekali'

Kalau bandingkan mulut bottle Medela (kiri), dengan mulut bottle Bumble Bee mmg sama bilangan lingkaran/benang nyer kan iaitu 3 lingkaran. Yang kanan sekali tuh bottle Spectra. Biasa bottle made in Malaysia mmg 2 lingkaran sahaja.. (e.g bottle pureen,, dan lain2). However mmg bottle Bumble Bee nih muat dgn pump Medela, spectra3 dan lain2 yang standard neck..even secure Aja rasa..

Aha...lagi satu nk bgtahu, bottle Bumble bee stok baru size 5 oz ya, bukan 4 oz lagi. Ini menjadikan ia amongst BPA-free storage bottles yang termurah dipasaran. Satu set ada 8 bottles, so RM38 bahagi 8 = RM4.75 sebotol. Murahkan utk sebiji bottle BPA-free...?? *grinned lagi*

Meminjam kata2 teman setia 'Puan As' yang menggunakan Medela Freestyle..

salam Aja.. sejak guna bumble bee tu, As dah jatuh cinta dah.. best sgt, pastu bila basuh n air dry, cepat je kering nya.. suka sgt, sgt suka lah..haha.. nnti kalu stok susu As byk, As order lg dr aja.. As suka nk rekemen spy user lain guna botol bumble bee utk smpn stok ebm..very friendly la.. xcaya sila guna sdr..hahaha

Kan As kan?? Sesuai utk storage EBM, manakala kalau yg suka bottle Medela tuh leh guna utk pumping..

Malam tadi entah camne, dalam duk ambil gambar Bottle BB memakai pump/flanges Medela, terasa nk test paras air atau ukuran air. Sama tak dgn bottle medela ?? Memang Aja byk masa bila buat bende tak berfaedah nih.. ;P

Mula-mula masukkan 2oz dlm bottle BBee 5oz...

Then transfer masuk 2oz air (guna air jer yer, sayang susuibu), dlm bottle Medela 5oz

Walla.... sama 2oz...

** Tapi bila test 5 oz, beza besar jugak ralatnyer.. Ok abaikan eksperimen yang x penting nih yer.. *Kisahnyer, lama x buat eksperimen..adakah gian??* ;P

*** Next time, Aja jwb lak soalan 'berapa biji botol kita patut ada utk pumping and storage?'.. Nanti abis seminar..minggu depan, kita jawab yer awak? *wink..wink*

Aja ;)


New Medela Items Updated

--- UPDATED ON 9th JULY 2009

Salam semua, semalaman semlm menyiapkan bungkusan yang tak sebanyak mana pun nih, dgn anak2 Aja yang menolong sama. Yes, they are being helpful. Kakak pegang kertas, sebab mama nak selotape, Azalea amik gunting, Rayyan main selotape,tampal kat badan... haha.. *edited* papa diorg pon tolong jugak termasuk jd despatch (kang x mention majuk lak..hihiii)

Parcel FS nih mmg terhutang dgn ramai, namely Norley, Haslina, iezza... Supply dr supplier kali nih byk delay. Sgt delay... harap x jd lagi *keciwa* Then ada bungkusan Swing juga. UTK Ain, kuat semangat ya korang utk breastfeeding n breastpumping.

Oh ya...Nih gambar Bumble bee bottles (BPA-free 4 oz), satu set ada 8 biji.
Now in stock ya.. Sila lah beli.. *wink*

Harga : RM38
Poslaju : RM7

Playtex Liner 8 oz -- AVAILABLE
Harga : RM48
Poslaju : RM7

AND nak share dgn kengkawan semua, inilah hasil kepercayaan anda semua..
Thank you so much.. Alhamdulillah, now able to have most spareparts and accesories.

KHAS utk fadz,

Medela teats for Medela bottles
Depend on bila beli medela bottles tuh.. (before March atau lepas March 09)
Teat size standard (colar teats kecil) yang sebelah kanan -b4 March
Teat size wide base (colar teats wide tapi still botol sama) sebelah kiri

Harga : RM33
Poslaju : RM6

note: BEZA standard teats dgn wide base teats -- Wide base nih baru, and besar skit teats and colar. Aja ada jual spare teats, tp mesti guna dgn colar yang betul. Kalau tak mmg x leh masuk.

Those in need of Medela 8oz bottles (dh lama peram stok nih..huhuu)

MEDELA 8 oz bottles with teats
Harga : RM95
Poslaju : RM7

Ada brg2 lain lagi.. nanti yeh...pelan2 Aja upload..

thanks semua


P/S : Email me with enquiries at ajasuakeem[at]yahoo[dot]com, if item not in stock I can try to get them for you
Call 03-33932857 (7.30pm to 11.00pm)

::. If item in stock you may get them in 2-3 days
::. If item were to be ordered, please consider enquire about the estimated time of arrival, I will inform on the estimeted date.. No problem ;)

And... I can't help it anymore..but to put it here..

This morning I got this email, it’s very rare for Medela Harmony user and Medela Swing user to testify again the breastpump. Coz this 2 type of Single breastpump, one electric (swing), and one manual (harmony) is already well-known...even before I started breastfeed Dina (5 YO) and Azalea (3 YO)...(Ala...2 model dlm my fotopages n blogspot..hahah, org dtg sumer kenal si genit 2 org nih) Swing is here in 2007.. but Harmony is here way much longer..

On Thursday last week she made the payment for Medela Harmony, but she forgot to include her address and hphone number. So as I was about to make quick drop at Poslaju HQ, I was like looking for her by her office number. She laughs her heart out when I said, "Laling, mana mau hantar itu pump? Address talak kasi"... Actually she was nervous coz she's buying the pump without her husband consent (uurrghh...we are in the same boat, but Aja lagi nakal...dulu beli medela FS dendiam..), She already a spectra3 user but its hard for her to bring the pump back home as she commute by commuter everyday. So she bought Medela Harmony for house purpose...

And her testimony of MEDELA HARMONY,

From: Syareena
Subject: RE: Medela Harmony
To: "Naza Sulaiman"
Date: Monday, 6 July, 2009, 8:20 PM

Dear Aja,

I dah guna the medela harmony few times and I love it. Sangat suke okkaayyy!!! Parts tak banyak, very easy to assemble, softshield (is that what u call it?) is great.

Hubby pun diam je bila I tunjuk my new gadget hehehehe…. Tak terkata dia . Maybe dia dah tau his wife obsession with breastfeeding + nampak the good result (I tunjuk my production kat dia)

Now, I can pump anytime, anywhere. Sukanyeeeee……

Next time, kalau ada orang tanya for manual pump, will recommend this pump and of course, recommend u as the seller (+ poslaju)

Thank you!


Thank you Reena for the good tetimonial, Oh ya...she promoted me to use poslaju ALWAYS, even give me person in contact to make my poslaju process smooth. Thanks Reena...

And To another person who's in LOVE with Medela Swing, And patiently waited for my stock to arrive. Thanks Sue...

From: SuE BelleDza
Subject: Re: breastpump medela swing..
To: "Naza Sulaiman"
Date: Thursday, 2 July, 2009, 9:41 PM

salam aja!
kita nak bagitau berita gembira nie! hehehehe....dah dapat pump tu!!
ni sambil hantar email ni...sambil mengepam la nieh...hahahah semangat kan!! tengok...sedar tak sedar dah nak masuk 2oz dah! Best la Swing!!

kita tak tau yg aja tinggal kat puncak alam. dekat je dgn rumah sue...sue tinggal kat sungai buloh tu, heheheh...dah dekat tu, boleh la datang umah singgah, ye tak? :)

apa pun, terima kasih ya. seronok sgt hari nie!

Thank you so much... And I dont know how to repay such trust, and all the kind words. Alhamdulillah...

Oh ya...I have nice offer for someone who need automatic pump and manual at same time, will put up the pic later ya...

BUMBLE BEE BPA-free bottles 4 oz will be restock on Thursday, Thank you...

Who's in need of Medela Swing, stok dah ada, kindly buzz me with enquiries and questions thru email at

owwhhh...and also, there's NEW KUTU group for Medela Swing, Also NEW group for Medela Freestyle. Group started With Rozy and Wawa dh masuk penerima pump kedua. Alhamdulillah..

THIS IS among what I have to offer, stay tune......

*update 9th JULY - This set SOLD to FIZA. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Aja ;)

New Items Available, How to Use Liner, and Update on KUTU New Group..


Salam semua,

Beberapa pengumuman nak buat..

1) Sesiapa berminat nk join KUTU utk Medela Freestyle please email me at InsyaAllah terus dapat pump every awal bulan,macam group kutu terdahulu ;)

2) KUTU utk Medela Swing (RM649) juga akan dibuka (dah ada beberapa org tanya, kalau sesiapa berminat boleh email Aja dulu sebab ibukutu belum ada volunteer lagi.. hihiii

3) Have you heard of Bumble Bee 4 oz BPA-Free bottles set (8 bottles each set) - This is one of a kind bottles. If you use Medela bpump you can use this bottles too.

I am selling this for RM38... While stok last ya..

4) PLAYTEX LINER 125 pcs (8 oz)- NOW AVAILABLE, harga RM 48.00 (Retail price RM52.90)

*Why I sell playtex liner when there's now a new cheap liner around e.g: 100 pcs for RM29.00++? I am a liner user,and I have tried many types of liner and breastmilk storage bags. From expensive Medela 'pump and save bags' to cheapest liner available. And I found out and I do think Playtex is one of the BEST. Strong plastics I must say.. and hygienic also.

*Read how to use Playtex Liner below ;)

TUTORIAL CARA GUNA LINER (ni jenama playtex liner)

Aja biasa guna liner 8 oz walau utk isi 4 oz, sebab takut melimpah bila nk ikat dgn getah

- mula2 pegang mulut liner dgn 2 jari

- then cuba selisihkan utk membuka nya

- then masukkan mulut liner ke atas mulut botol seperti dlm gambar di bawah
kira kita selungkupkan liner tuh atas bottle

- then tuang susu dlm liner yang diselunkupkan atas bottle, kalau boleh laju skit la
kalau tak nanti mudah smear.. then biar susu habis menitis ke dlm liner

- then, dh selesai...ikat liner dgn getah seperti di bawah
sebelah tuh guna playtex liner, sebelah tuh medela breastmilk bags/ storage bags
mahal skit la medela punyer sebab dia ada ziplock...
biasa liner org ikat dgn getah jer... kalau breastmilk bag biasa ziplock

sekian, nanti apa tak sure leh utarakan pertanyaan and pendapat ya..

"Bringing You Only the Best In Your Pumping Journey.."

Aja ;)

MEDELA SPAREPARTS & ACCESORIES :We have been stocking a lots of Medela spare parts, accesories and bottles, for feeding and storage, and all Medela products is BPA-FREE!!.. Kindly check our fotopages at And if there's any parts you need that is not in the list, boleh contact Aja via

email atau call 03-33932857 (7.30 pm to 11.00 pm)

* ORDERS are welcome also. Thank you ;)


Launching Hers Medela Freestyle & 3 weeks later

She emailed me one day, asking about Medela Freestyle. She warns me, she is a mother of 5, so Medela FS better be great..

This is part of her 1st mail to me.

Salam Aja,

First of all, congratulations on your efforts sharing with all moms about your experience on breast pumps. Your experience is invaluable & your friendly way makes others feel comfortable. Keep it up! I found your website a few days ago, and it really helped me to decide..

What I can say is that.. breastfeeding experience has evolved tremendously!

Sekarang ni rasa teruja betul bila tengok ramai ibu2 bersungguh2 nak menyusukan anak sampai at least 2 tahun... so, insyaAllah tak nak ketinggalan..

Well Aja, reading your reviews etc made me decided on Medela FS.
Insya Allah pilihan yg tepat, kan.
Dari harganya pun kita boleh tau barang yg berkualiti
For sure, I don’t want to regret trying anything less than the best!
Walaupun suspens bila suami dah pesan 'jangan jadi gajah putih' tapi nak kena anggapkan tu satu cabaran
Bab 'disiplin diri' tu yg sungguh mencabar sebenarnya, kan.. but I hope I have a good pump to start with!

And this is part of my answers for her..she's a Doctor, so I thought I tell her this

As akak already decide to buy medela FS, yes its actually a perfect choice for mom-on-the go.. ada handsfree, ada rechargeable battery and lightweight. Especially kalau kerja around the clock. I have this nurse in johor using freestyle, she pump everywhere around the hospital,guna handsfree, even kat kaunter tgh ambil detail pesakit.. sebab dia x cukup masa nk pump... and kalau x de bilik sendiri pon senang nk gerak ke tempat lain utk pump.

And this is what happen to her First experience with Medela Freestyle.

Salam Aja.. ni mesti nak kena share dengan Aja..

Yes! I'm very happy! I would say that Medela is user-friendly even though in a glance it looks complicated!

1st session - I managed to get 1 oz in 15 min (single pumping).. that's pretty good for a beginner, the manual said, he he..
2nd session - I use hands-free kit and i got 2 oz in 15 min (single pumping)... seronoknye:)

I would say that the hands-free element makes us feel more relaxed thus getting more milk easier...
The 2 phase expression is amazing, no pain but gain..!
All in all it makes me feel more confident, and more positive about continuing to breastfeed..!

Cumanye baby Ady belum nak hisap botol lagi.. so it ended up with his brother El drinking the milk. Sedap & manis katanya.. nak lagiii.. he he..
No baby will take bottlefeeding easily, right.. InsyaAllah boleh tu, kan..

Thanx for your support Aja, just being there makes me feel good & secure, knowing that there's someone to refer to:)

Nanti K.umi tulis testimoni utk Aja punya website, balik dari Vienna nanti ya.. InsyaAllah

Then 3 weeks later, i got another email from her..

Subject : Our 'milking' journey..
Thursday, 21 May, 2009 9:51 AM
From: "Dr Umi"
To: "Naza Sulaiman"

Pejam celik dah masuk 3 minggu I'm back to work.. kan Aja..

At present my pumping sessions are: 6.30am (I really love your suggestion on pumping in the morning. It’s great for the baby & indeed psychologically great for the mom too), 9.30am, direct BF during lunch hour then 4pm Semua ada la plus minus 1/2 hour gitu...
'Obedient' punya anak murid akak ni.. hehe..
In average for each pumping session I’ll get around 3-4oz
So my total is 12oz perday... which is matching with Ady's requirement now. On & off I got some to stock up.

Ady pun dah pandai menyusu botol dan boleh habiskan 3-4oz sekaligus.. tapi akak tetap balik tengahari sebab rinduuuu kat Ady.. and of course as you said, we know if you can be there, why not, it’s for the bonding & attachment & the full benefit of direct breastfeeding. Plus I’m sending my fresh breastmilk for afternoon supply. (I totally agree on your opinion about fresh breastmilk!)

Akak pun dah dapat rentak sifu (siapa lagi Aja la).. ie 1st phase L3-4, let down in 40s then 2nd phase at L4. Awal-awal tu haru biru.. ada sampai L9 (single pumping & lupa nak forget to secure the other tube, kah kah.. atau tak rapat & macam-macam la.. mula-mula Aja kata ‘Aja pump at L4’ - I was kind of shocked but after a few days until now I'm very very comfortable & each day I'm getting more & more comfortable.. alhamdulillah ;-)

And I admire her enthusiasm

Aja... I always believe breastfeeding is the best for our baby..

But for my 1st one in 1998 - Adlina was in a nursery at my workplace (Hospital xxxx) & I was really hopeful I can breastfeed her fully. What happenned, I couldn't. I was still a houseman doctor & couldn't even run to see her during lunch hour!

My 2nd in 1999: I have a wonderful baby sitter who was willing to send Zahra to my clinic for direct breastfeeding. But I was in a very busy outpatient clinic, people were complaining why 'doktor takde..', 'nombor tak jalan..' it was a bit distressing & your baby can feel it when mom is not fully relaxed. She was restless & tak mau menyusu..

My 3rd in 2001; bersemangat nak pam untuk Humaira. Guess what, out of ignorance I bought a cikai breastpump.. it was painful, little milk came out.. fed up, end up with some 'cognitive error' in my mind that I could not pump like others.. I could only breastfeed directly and that brought me to:

My 4th in 2002: Nekad. I took altogether 6 months leave (2m maternity, 3m unpaid, 1m annual leave) to exclusively breastfeed my El. Hah, baru puashati..!

My 5th 2009 (jaraknya jauh as I did my specialty course for 4years from 2004-2008): I was not allowed to take 6 months leave!!

That's how I got to know u Aja!

At first I was scared to invest in Medela, especially based on my failed pumping the warning given by my beloved hubby “jangan jadi gajah putih!” But my beloved hubby gave me a greenlite when we reflected back that if I were to take 3 months unpaid leave it would cost us more than my Medela FS! "Betui gak" kata my hubby..

From my quite extensive review, I chose Medela because I couldn't afford to fail! And I have never had any regret. Not a single moment. I'm very proud of my Medela FS:)!

It also makes a lot of differences buying from Aja. I got a Medela, yes.. on top of that I got a great friend in my 'milking' journey:)

Take care Aja dear..

You take care too akak, thanks k.Umi for believing in me.. And all my friend out there, moga Allah sahaj membalas kepercayaan kalian pada Aja. To Suzana (my very furst customer), Ariys, kak ziah, Fiza, Ira, Sue nurse di Johor, Iffah, Fadz, Shuhada, Afida, Sitilina, Salwa, Nuds, Eee, Zuhaiyu, Zue UTM, Aishik, Ekin, Irish, Ai Jen, kak dian, norley, kak ruziah melaka, Yen Soo, 3 org Naza, Ina ganu (just to name a few, jgn mare ye kalau x mention) and all the Freestyler, Swing's user (swinger??) and Harmony's user... Thank you for the trust. I do know some people come here for a good bargain. But the fact that you gals trust me enough ...I appreciate it so much.

To NURSE SUE di JOHOR, 'ECONOMIST' INA di GANU, Thanks for these reviews. Allah sahaja balas jasa kalian.. dan semoga kita berjaya in OUR 'MILKING' JOURNEY

salam aja...lama x menyinggah kat fp u..sibuk pumping with my FS..hahahhaa...alhamdulillah, with FS sekarang, dapat la 18-22 oz per day (time kat office 3 x pump)..seronok sgt..walaupun x meriah tanto dah ada 170 peket lak ( 21/2 bulan ) minum 9-12 oz jer per ina bagi fresh EBM je kat bb sebb sikit sgt dia minum kat nursery..tq introducing me FS..

someone in trganu (esp..yusmie..)need to c fs in action boleh contact ina......insyaAllah..cuba membantu mana yang dapat...misss u aja....mmuahhh..
Mon 11-May-2009 06:18
Posted by:azlina - [Link]
IP: 172.xx.xx.xx

AND, Nurse Sue.. you are the definition of determination...

salam..sume..saya ni ahli kutu 1st FS, dah gna FS selama 4 bln..tiada pkataan betapa gembiranya dpat mguna FS yg diimpikan dlm mimpiku..susu pernah mencecah 7-8 oz sekali pump..ikut breastku x le saiz cup d cma saiz c je..,..jelous kekawanku..he he,..skrg mgepump susu jd satu trend kat tpat kje..gna la FS..secara teratur..mesti dpt mjadi ibu bjaya myusukan anak wlaupun terpaksa pgi kerja..
Tue 21-Apr-2009 14:35
Posted by:sueariff


...Announcement 1 : Medela has increased their price in worldwide previously on 19th April 2009 and Malaysia local store/online store affected. Our price however remains.. And our NEW price will ONLY effect our Medela Swing after 30th April 2009. New price for Medela Swing is RM649 and with 6 months warranty. Thank you.

Announcement 2 : We have been stocking a lots of Medela spare parts, accesories and bottles, for feeding and storage. Kindly check our fotopages at And if there's any parts you need that is not in the list, boleh contact Aja via

email ajasuakeem[at]yahoo[dot]com atau call 03-33932857 (between 8 pm - 11 pm)

FOR, medela breast pump promotions, please click promotions on the 'label' on left side bar ;)

* ORDERS are welcome also. Thank you ;)


Aja ;-)



more items will be added later, or pls visit my fotopages at
Medela QuickClean Wipes
Retail : RM69.90
Our Price : RM52

NEW MEDELA SWING RM 649 (with 6 months warranty)
Retail price: RM 799

-> POSLAJU RM15 (semenanjung)

(**gambar ni tahun 2008 :))

Retail price : RM269
Our price : RM 199:horay:
-> poslaju RM8 for semenanjung

(*gambar ni pun tahun 2008 -new packaging please refer side bar ya ;)

Retail price: RM2299
(upon full payment or 2 times payment = RM1699 )

*PLEASE allow 2-3 days for your order to be shipped to you. Thanks

So you have to pay ONLY RM1699
(also applicable to those who pays in 2 times INSTALLMENT PLAN)

Another good news is Aja also offered 3 times INSTALLMENT PLAN
which is RM5xx x 3 times

For example:

---> PAY 1st payment early of the month Sept (RM600)
---> 2nd PAYment end of the month Sept (RM600) item will be reserved)
---> RECEIVED item upon 3rd payment or end of month Okt

So you just have to wait around 1 1/2 months or 2 months..

PLEASE choose DELIVERY option. ADD:
-> Poslaju : RM35 for semenanjung/ RM50 for Sabah and Sarawak

Terima kasih kepada yang berminat nak tahu mengenai Medela Freestyle. Skrol ke bawah terus untuk reviews dan gambar. Ada saya sertakan review dan gambar...sebarang soalan boleh email saya. Thanks

email @ ...

ajasuakeem [at] yahoo [dot] com

Payment can be made to MBB or CIMB-i account, please email for account number.

*YES, you can pay for Medela Swing n Medela Freestyle thru credit card using ..

-You can pay using credit card thru paypal by simply ask me to send invoice thru emails. It's secure,fast and reliable. BUT need to subscribe to Paypal

-Credit card payment are to be made in USD,payment using paypal is going to fixed price for the time being.

-Price in USD (TOTAL RM1699 divide by current currency exchange) = example USD 567 + 4% fees (USD20, which will automatically add to your payment) - for full payment ONLY.. (and additional $10 poslaju for payment using paypal)

-Price in USD (TOTAL RM649 divide by current currency exchange) = example USD 217 + 4% fees (USD$7, which will automatically added to your payment) (and additional $5 poslaju for payment using paypal)


----> IF the item is in stock, you may get it in 2-3 business day

----> IF the items were to be ordered, PLEASE allow 14-21 days

:!: PLEASE ADD poslaju fees of RM7 for one item (apply to spareparts and accesories)
And add RM 2 for additional item. THANKS 8-)

email me @ ... ajasuakeem [at] yahoo [dot] com for any questions



GAMBAR BEG Medela Freestyle

Set Lengkap MEDELA FREESTYLE. Harga termasuk semua brg2 dibawah.. ;-)

Di bawah nih Gambar bahagian luar dan dalam beg Medela yang diberi dlm satu package pembelian Medela Freestyle. Atas permintaan Lia..

bahagian tepi

Bahagian dalam yang diisi dengan cooler bag, pump motor n flanges